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Art & Exploration _ the farm was amazing

Art & Exploration

@ the farm

  • Ages 1.5- 4  (parents/caretakers required to stay)

  • Location: A Simpler Place Farm & Market

  • $15/child, $5 for siblings

  • Package deal $40/4 sessions (*saving you $20)

Art & Exploration at the farm provides endless art & sensory exploration for Tampa kids. Children are free to explore the different stations & materials at their own pace during the 45 min session.

It's a fun and playful way to foster curiosity, creativity and critical thinking as well as an opportunity to spend much needed outdoor time. We encourage parent/caregiver participation and invite you to use this opportunity to connect and discover new things together!

You can expect creative child-led art projects, water play, sensory bins, nature inspired activities, and more! Dress for a mess!

Stay after the playgroup for a farm scavenger hunt & meet some cool chickens.

april sessionS

register here


Sensory & Exploration

This 45 min playgroup is designed to be a world of sensory stimulation, colorful play and exploration. Children are free to explore the sensory activities at their own pace with the encouragement of their parents. It's a fun and playful way to foster curiosity, creativity and critical thinking as well as an opportunity to work on their social skills.

You can expect creative water play, sensory bins, nature inspired activities, and more!


April sessions register here


may sessions

Register here

Although it seems like just fun and game


Art & Exploration

  • Ages 1.5- 4  (parents/caretakers required to stay)

  • $15/child

Offering in-home private playgroups. Get a group of 5 or more friends and host a playgroup at your house. Let us bring the Painted Leaf experience to you which consists of 5 stations that combines sensory play, art-exploration and nature-connection stations. We will set up, help guide the explorations and clean up all the mess! 

contact us for availability.

Playgroup Guidelines

  • Art is sometimes messy! Specially for the toddler playgroups. Please wear clothes that allow children to create freely without being worried for getting messy. 

  • Parents/Caretaker are required to stay during the entire playgroup session. Parents/Caretakers are responsible for their child at all times. Children are usually so involved in the projects and activities that they rarely misbehave. In the case that the child is being too disruptive we will try to help re-direct the situation, however, if the situation continues we will have to ask the parent and child to leave. 

  • Home-based/private playgroups have a minimum of 5 children.

  • Studio based playgroups have a minimum of 3 children. 

  • Playgroup is a time to connect with your child through the provided invitations and experiences. We encourage you to try the activities along with your child. 

  • Playgroups are not an instructed class. The teacher's role is to set up invitations to play & explore, encourage participation and create safe & fun experiences. 

  • No sick children please! Germs spread fast in this age group. Children must be fever free for at least 24 hrs. 

  • The most important rule is is to always have fun and respect everything and everyone around us. 

  • Parents, we dare you to experience the playgroup through the eyes of your inner child. 

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